Stay Woven

Strengthen the quality of your connections and your influence among them.

Stay Woven is like a CRM for your direct connections – friends and colleagues. A mobile app to remember everything, never lose touch, and weave your network ever stronger.

We'll email for launch updates and to chat about your experiences. We love advice!

Stay Woven
A person sitting in a chair talking on a mobile phone

Reach out to your people

Relationships take work - Stay Woven makes it easy. Proactive reminders let you know when to reach out based on special days or your own schedules. Prioritize people you want to focus on.

Get personal

"It's the little things" is not just a cliché. Keep notes about their family, favorite foods, sports they play, and everything else that matters. Use our common prompts or save anything you'd like!

A person holding a graphic with multiple avatars on it, with a large mobile phone in the background
A map of the globe with a few cities connected with lines

Reconnect when traveling

Make the most out of any trip. Stay Woven tells you who lives near your travel destination, the last time you saw them, what you did, and more.

(Not expected at launch. Tell us if you're excited for it, though!)

It's not about closing

This isn't a sales tool. Stay Woven is for creating closer connections both personally and professionally. Weave the best network by showing everyone how much you care about them.

A group of people enjoying drinks together

Remember Everything

Make them feel special

Show your people love and respect by remembering their special days, favorite things, and anything important to them.


Never miss a day

Never add "belated" to a message again. Push notifications remind you to proactively reach out to your people.


Custom schedules

Besides special days, you decide when to be reminded to reach out to your people based on rules and schedules of your choosing.

Stay Woven is a product of Cryode LLC. © 2024 All rights reserved.

Illustrations by Katerina Limpitsouni ❤︎